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Java card      2016-7-26 17:44:50      From:Cardenjoy Technical      Hit:

The Java Card Operating Platform (JCOP Range) is a comprehensive operating system for smart cards working off the Java platform. Since 2007, NXP Semiconductors have developed the technology. The technology is used in a variety of industries, and has proven to be a key element of retail and transport solutions.

JCOP-SmartCard as IBM implementation of the JavaCard 2.2.1 OS with 32kB EEPROM, Triple-DES Coprozessor and RSA Coprozessor.

Product Information
 Java Card 2k is the entry Public Key (RSA) edition. This product targets the higher-end banking- and identity market. It is available on 32kB EEPROM chips. Single cards availible.

For development purpose look at our SDK-section.

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